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Upstream Unit 1

Some new words

conductيجري / يدير
proficientكفؤ / ممتاز
paceوقع / سرعة
talk non-stopيرغيa chatterbox
book (n)كتاب
book (v)يحجز
rumour [rumor]شائعة

Prepositions & Expressions

Word + PrepositionMeaningEquals
under the impressionتحت تأثير إنطباع معين
take into considerationيأخذ في الاعتبار
on the internetفي / على الإنترنت
a threat toتهديد لـ
in Englishبالإنجليزية
deal withيتعامل مع / يواجه
tend toيميل لـ - يحب
do / conduct businessيدير / يؤدي أعمال
aware ofعلى دراية بـ
tell the timeيخبر الوقتunderstand the clock
talk businessيتحدث عن الأعمالdiscuss business
hear fromيعرف أخبار عن
bump intoيقابل بالصدفةrun into
wave at / toلوح لـ
connect to {sth}يوصل {شخص} بـ
connect with {sb}له علاقة بـ
glare atينظر بغضب لـ
smile atيبتسم لـ
make an appointment withيحدد موعد
chat with {sb}يدردش معchat to {sb}
chat about {sth}يدردش عن
shout atيصرخ في وجه
whisper toيهمس
wink atيغمز بعينه
shake hands withيسلم على
communicate withيتواصل مع
have a meeting withيجتمع مع
by faxعن طريق الفاكس

Phrasal Verbs

switch {sth} offturn off
put {sb} throughto connect a person to another on the phone
hang onwait for a short timehold the line
hang upto end a telephone conversation
run outfinish
cut offstop
get throughto succeed in talking to someone on the phone
call backto telephone someone who called you earlier

Idioms & Fixed Phrases

be out of touch with {sth}have outdated knowledge about something
be in touch with {sth}have up-to-date knowledge about something
lose touch with {sb}to stop communicating with someone
keep in touch with {sb}to keep communicating with someone
lose contact with {sb / sth}to find someone or obtain something
hold the linewait for a short time on the phonehold on
come into contact with {sb}meet
make a complaintيعمل شكوي
clap of thunderصوت الرعدpeal of thunder

Some Notes

very VS too

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